Stabby Stabby
Part Mystery Science Theater 3000, part dark-back-room-at-the-blockbuster, join Greg, Eric, and Dan who pass their time trapped in a mysterious underground VHS rental store watching obscure horror, exploitation, video nasties, or whatever else catches their attention. Ranked #11 best horror film podcast globally, we laugh, share beers, and break down under-seen gems scene by scene, all while being monitored by a magical anthropomorphic mole man. Next movie announced every Wednesday, new episodes every Monday. Follow us on Instagram @stabbypod and on Letterboxd:
Stabby Stabby
Jason X (2001): More space than we need
The story so far: After stumbling down a mysterious dried-up well and tunneling through the stone walls to search for an escape, the boys have been trapped in a mysterious, underground, 80s-era-inspired VHS rental shop called Moleman's Movie Hole for months.
Becoming disembodied, the boys float through space, heading toward whatever the afterlife offers. But space is big, and they have time to kill, so they pop in a ghost tape of Jason X (2001) to keep them busy. The conversation, much like the afterlife, is full of questions like:
- What's a grundle?
- What's a good name for the next planet humans will move to?
- Can Jason beat the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers?
- What will human evolution lead to?
- And how will humans treat androids when we all have them?
Next movie announced every Wednesday. New episodes every Monday. Follow us on the things:
Instagram: @stabbypod